Access over 30 Goetia related videos (plus more coming soon with weekly updates) such as documentaries, interviews, invocations and more. The Goetia / Ars Goetia is a 17th century English manuscript also known as the Lesser Keys of Solomon (different then The Great Keys of Solomon) comprised of instructions on how to summon angles and demons which were supposedly the same ones which King David and Solomon had power over and appear through out ancient folklore as jinn's or genies such as the lamp of Aladdin. The Goetia can be used to accomplish whatever desires the practitioner wishes and can be used to achieve success, wealth, money, peace, war, revenge, wisdom, knowledge and many other things, primarily by the use of the 72 Demonic Spirits / fallen Angels of which some are also mentioned in the Book of The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. This app uses third party streaming of videos and time to time advertisements may appear. More videos to be added soon.NOTE: This app uses third party streaming, time to time ads may appear.